Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
In order to get a degree a student should attend at least 49 courses [1] and get 240 maximum total ECTS credits: 240
Α) Compulsory and Optionally Compulsory Courses
(30 O +7 OC) x 5 ECTS = 185 ECTS
Β) Optionally courses
12 O x 4 ECTS = 48 ECTS
C) Compulsory courses that include “teacher education programs” and/or laboratories get extra ECTS as following:
Teaching methodology and practice I: 2 ECTS
Teaching methodology and practice II: 2 ECTS
Language teaching: Teaching primary reading and writing: 1 ECTS
Mathematics teaching I: 1 ECTS
Mathematics teaching II: 1 ECTS
Science teaching I: 1 ECTS
Physics I: 1 ECTS
Physics II: 1 ECTS
Total = 243 ECTS
[1] C= Compulsory courses
OC= Optionally compulsory courses
O= Optionally courses
ECTS= ECTS credits