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Pedagogical Department of Primary Education


The responsibility for the design and the proper implication of the Faculty’s syllabus is held by the General Assembly of the Faculty of Primary Education.

The Syllabus:

  • contains the titles of compulsory, optionally compulsory and optional courses, their content, the weekly teaching hours of the courses.
  • is adapted to the minimum number of semester periods required for obtaining the degree and may not be less than eight semesters.

Each course is assigned a number of credits and the General Assembly of the Faculty determines the minimum number of credits needed in order to obtain the bachelor’s degree. As decided by the General Assembly (8-3-12) the Faculty follows the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.

The distribution of courses to each semester presented in the syllabus is indicative.

In the beginning of each semester and in dates defined by the General Assembly each student must submit a statement determining the courses he intends to attend. By the end of each semester there is an exams’ period, whereas there is an additional exams’ period at the beginning of September (before the beginning of the next academic year) where students may be examed in courses of both semesters.  In case of failure in the exams of an obligatory course, the student must attend it again next semester/year.

Compulsory courses

Compulsory courses are those that all students of the Faculty of Primary Education must attend and successfully pass the exams.

Optionally compulsory courses

A student must choose a minimum number among some courses that are determined by the Faculty.

Optionally courses

 A student may choose the courses he prefers to attend according to his/her personal interests and professional development.